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Call for Papers

The RfH combines the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community with the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) one. With this workshop, we want to bring together these communities by highlighting the commonalities of the two, stressing their differences, and encouraging the contamination of their methods and results. We aim to do so by recognising that human beings can be the bridge between these two communities and the main objective for a human-centred design approach.

We encourage the submission of original contributions, presenting proposals for theoretical, technical and design ideas that highlight thoughts on empowerment and the new challenges posed by the design of robots. We ask researchers to propose both perspectives: the utopian, which imagines ideal scenarios, and the dystopian, which explores potential challenges, reflecting on the role of artefact design and interaction in shaping these visions. The contributions may include work in progress with preliminary results, technical reports, case studies, surveys and state-of-the-art research.

Topics of interests include but are not limited to:

  • HCI theories and methods and novel approaches applied to HRI, Cognitive Architectures for HRI.
  • Concept papers on the role of technology and robots in empowering or challenging human well-being.
  • Empirical studies for human empowerment with technology (e.g., SAR, Health care, educational context).
  • Participatory design approaches for HRI applications (e.g., user-centred design for computer and robotic applications, human-centred, and interaction-based design)
  • Research methods and challenges for different contexts (e.g., assistive and education) in the HRI field.
  • Interaction with virtual or physical embodied agents, human factors and human-in-the-loop in HRI, group dynamics in HRI.
  • Design relationship between humans and robots (multi-modal communication, robot personalities, gender robotics, empathy).
  • Diversity, power dynamics, gender, racism, social stereotypes and vulnerable targets of users in HRI.
  • Trust, acceptance and explainability in HRI; personalisation and end-user development of robot applications.
  • Ethical issues (e.g. privacy, misuse and abusive interactions), social risks and fairness in HRI.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: April the 10th.
  • Notification of Acceptance: April the 23rd.
  • Camera Ready: May the 27th.


Submission Procedure

Submission format: max 6 pages (excluded references).

Please submit your contribution on EasyChair, using the predefined CEUR template (an Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available).

The submitted contribution must be written in English and do not need to be anonymized (single-blind review process). A panel of experts from relevant fileds will be asked to review the contributions, selecting the most relevant, novel, original and high-quality ones to be included in the workshop program. Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to give an oral presentation of their work. Also, they will be offered the option of having their papers uploaded to a workshop-specific archive in an open-access repository (e.g., arXiv). The accepted papers will be published in the workshop’s proceedings on CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, indexed by Scopus. Depending on the workshop impact and participation, the organizers may also consider proposing a Special Issue to a Journal to collect broader follow-up papers.

For any inquiry, please contact us at