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Workshop Program

Date: June the 3rd 2024 (half-day)

Location: 17th AVI conference, June the 3rd-7th 2024, Arenzano (Genoa), Italy

Time: The workshop will start at 9:00.


Activity Starting Time
Opening session 09:00 - 09:30
Keynote by Dr Giulia Perugia + Q&A 09:30 - 10:10
Paper presentation session 10:10 - 11:00
Coffee break 11:00 - 11:30
Paper presentation session 11:30 - 12:00
Round Table 12:00 - 12:45
Closing remarks 12:45 - 13:00

For any inquiry, please contact us at

1st Paper Presentation Session - Interactive Robots

Authors will have 5 minutes to showcase their contribution live, followed by 3 minutes for Questions & Answers.

The contributions will be presented in the following order:

  • How do Lonely, Young Adults Perceive Interactive Technologies With Varying Human-Likeness? An Experimental Lab Study Aike Horstmann and Jacqueline Boußard

  • How to use a cognitive architecture for a dynamic person model with a social robot in human collaboration Thomas Sievers and Nele Russwinkel

  • Personalising Humanoid Robot Behaviour Through Natural Language Simone Gallo, Giacomo Vaiani and Fabio Paternò

  • Interviewing stakeholders on the teleoperation of last-mile delivery robots Einat Grimberg, Avishag Boker and Joel Lanir

  • Investigating the relationship between empathy and attribution of mental states to robots Alberto Lillo, Alessandro Saracco, Elena Siletto, Claudio Mattutino and Cristina Gena

2nd Paper Presentation Session - Robots for Training

  • A Proposal for Adapting Robot Behaviours Using Fuzzy Q-learning in Cognitive Serious Game Scenarios Eleonora Zedda and Fabio Paternò

  • Enhancing Cognitive Training: Investigating the Impact of a Suggestion-Offering Robot on Performance and Satisfaction Flavio Ruggiero, Marco Matarese, Alessandra Sciutti and Mariacarla Staffa

  • Investigating the Role of Immersive Technologies in Visual Rehabilitators Training Mattia Barbieri, Silvio Sabatini and Giulio Sandini

  • Train the Brain with SERENI Benedetta Catricalà, Marco Manca, Fabio Paterno, Carmen Santoro and Eleonora Zedda

Keynote Speakers

Giulia Perugia

- Giulia Perugia

- Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the Human Technology Interaction Group of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, Netherlands)
Of Robots and Stereotypes: The Case of Gender in Humanoid Robots.
Humanoid robots are designed for humans by humans and look like humans. As such, they end up condensing many biases humans hold towards their co-specifics, especially concerning gender. Designers might bring their views of gender into the design of humanoid bodies, behaviors, and roles. Similarly, users of robots might project their views of gender onto humanoid robots. In this talk, I will give an overview of the topic of gendering robots and the stereotypes and biases it might bring about. I will go through five studies I have performed on this topic and discuss and summarize the different facets of the issue.