Accepted Contributions
How do Lonely, Young Adults Perceive Interactive Technologies With Varying Human-Likeness? An Experimental Lab Study. Aike Horstmann and Jacqueline Boußard
How to use a cognitive architecture for a dynamic person model with a social robot in human collaboration Thomas Sievers and Nele Russwinkel
Personalising Humanoid Robot Behaviour Through Natural Language Simone Gallo, Giacomo Vaiani and Fabio Paternò
Interviewing stakeholders on the teleoperation of last-mile delivery robots Einat Grimberg, Avishag Boker and Joel Lanir
Investigating the relationship between empathy and attribution of mental states to robots Alberto Lillo, Alessandro Saracco, Elena Siletto, Claudio Mattutino and Cristina Gena
A Proposal for Adapting Robot Behaviours Using Fuzzy Q-learning in Cognitive Serious Game Scenarios Eleonora Zedda and Fabio Paternò
Enhancing Cognitive Training: Investigating the Impact of a Suggestion-Offering Robot on Performance and Satisfaction Flavio Ruggiero, Marco Matarese, Alessandra Sciutti and Mariacarla Staffa
Investigating the Role of Immersive Technologies in Visual Rehabilitators Training Mattia Barbieri, Silvio Sabatini and Giulio Sandini
Train the Brain with SERENI Benedetta Catricalà, Marco Manca, Fabio Paterno, Carmen Santoro and Eleonora Zedda